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Do not forget to know about the after sales policy when finding a handbag manufacturer to make your bags

Usually there is after sales policy when handbag supplier offer OEM service .Do not forget to know their after sales policy when you are looking for handbags manufacturers .


Different leather bags factory offer different policy for customers .Some promise to repair and exchange for free for a certain period after the goods are sent out .Some take extra charges for the after sale service .Some do not offer after sales service .So when you are considering with whom to work with on making handbags ,you must settle down after sales service with them according to your own situation .

Of course responsible handbags suppliers would stand for their products .They would not send out the goods and receive payment ,then do nothing after that .


Further bag as a factory who focus on PU fashion woman bags ,always offer reliable after sales policy for customers .To find a good supplier of handbags ,welcome to contact Further bag .



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