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Can handbags factory make bags according to customer’s samples ?

Usually there are three ways of service when you look for bags factory to cooperate with .One way is that you offer samples .Second way is that you offer designs .Third way is that you choose from the bag factory designs .No matter which way ,the sample bag offered by bag manufacturer  should be the same as the one you offered or the styles that you have chosen .


Offering samples and choosing the factory design would most likely live up to the final products because the factory can dissect the sample bag .The final one would be the same as samples from styles ,hardware ,zippers etc .But not every customer could offer physical samples .Some are handbags designers,they could show their ideas with design drawings .But on design drawing .But many design details are not shown on the drawing .As a professional handbag supplier with many years experience ,we usually office some advice as reference to customers .And  make the most satisfactory bags according to customers need .

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