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A bag factory tells you how to judge the design details of a bag .

As a bag factory with years of experience in this industry ,This question is often asked by brand owners or designers .Today we discuss this question that how to know the success and failures of a bag from its design details from several aspects .


Further bag paid attention to bag details for a long time .

1. Style and color match .People tend to judge at first sight .If the style and color do not match ,they would not be interested in knowing more .

2. Practicability.Though modern people pay more attention to appearance ,being of practical use is also important .

3. Uniqueness .People want their things to be unique rather than awkward .

4. Quality.Quality is shown by the use of leather material ,accessories,hardware and the craftsmanship such as stitching ,glue stickiness ,smooth oiling ,no goose pimples.


From long cooperation with customers ,we know that only by paying attention to details ,can we help customers develop .We often offer good advice to customers from their designs .As bag factory in Guangzhou ,we stood out for high quality .

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