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Can bags factory customize gift box packing for customers ?

Recently further bag was asked by customers whether we could offer customized gift box packing .Though we are handbag manufacturer in China,to avoid customers trouble from these tiny things ,we could offer such service .


Generally speaking ,handbag factory would offer packing for bags .But if customers want very high end packing with their logo printed on it ,this would need to customize .Bags factory would offer one stop service for customers .As long as customer offer designs and requirements to us ,we would contact gift box factory for production .Customers would not need to take too much energy and time on this .Usually gift bags factory would ask for a moq around 300-500 piece per style .


To improve brand image and raise level ,many customers would choose to customize gift box .

To satisfy customers need ,Handbag manufacturer would save customers time ,energy and time by offering git box customization service .

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