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How does leather bags factory manage quality ?

Quality is concerned by all leather bag factories .Then what good methods are there to help bags factory control quality and ensure the quality steadiness ?


Leather products processing factory is a handmade industry .Staff awareness and skill level varies .Handbag factory may often meet quality issues .This is hard to avoid .But outstanding bags factory could control the quality issues to the best status and lower the loss to the lowest level .

We could do from the following aspects .

1. Make good process control

For example ,flow work to avoid a lot of quality issues .

2. Control the key quality point   

Make good check of the key point where problems easily occur .


3. Enhance the management work and staff training  

Unless every one pay great attention to quality ,the quality of products could be steady .


It is not hard to control the quality for handbag factories .The problem lies in that quality must be insistent and steady .As a professional bags factory ,further bag hopes to discuss with you more questions on quality control .

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