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Where does Guang zhou bags factory buy leather materials ?

Many people know that has the world's most complete leather processing support resources. This is indeed a major advantage of the Leather Factory over other leather factories in other regions.But do you know where bags factory purchase raw leather materials ?


Most of the leather goods factories are purchased locally in Guangzhou. has a number of large-scale leather and hardware markets, such as long tou market, Jia hao leather hardware market, Bu yun Tian di Shoes City Market and so on.Each market has hundreds and thousands of leather stands and operates different types of leather materials in different grades. The selection of leather goods factory in is huge, and there are tannery resources behind each leather material stand, so basically any leather problem can be solved in Guangzhou.


Of course, some leather factories in will purchase leather materials from Hong Kong, Italy and other regions, which is generally customer who have special requirements.Leather materials resources are the most important resource for the development of leather factories in Guangzhou.

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